Book – Enhancing Your Child’s Development


A Guide for Teachers, Therapists and Parents

Overview & Content

Author: Sonja Witthaus (Occupational Therapist)

Enhancing Your Child’s Development provides the reader with insight into how children develop normally and explores ways in which children who struggle with developmental difficulties can be assisted and supported.

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If you are caring for a child, whether as a parent, caregiver or teacher, understanding the normal childhood development process is important. But what if your child’s progress deviates from the norm? How can you help your child if he or she experiences developmental or learning problems?

Enhancing Your Child’s Development provides the reader with insight into how children develop normally and explores ways in which children who struggle with developmental difficulties can be assisted and supported. It specifically addresses the following topics:
• What a child needs to develop normally.
• How to test if your child is developing sufficiently: normal developmental milestones from birth to 6 years.
• Possible causes and cures for problems during normal childhood development.
• How to identify and interpret complications like developmental delays, learning difficulties, perceptual problems, motor skill problems and school related problems.
• Practical exercises for children (from birth to 9 years old) and advice for parents and caregivers.

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